How to Apply to the University of Denver

A Guide for Undergraduate Applicants



For more information on DU’s undergraduate admission, please contact us or connect with our admission counselors. 我们的工作人员希望看到您的成功,并渴望回答您的问题,帮助您实现目标.


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Applying to DU in Four Steps

无论是从当地社区大学转学还是开始你的本科学习, 每个本科生都必须完成申请yzcca88游戏登录网址的基本步骤,以支持有效的申请过程,并为成功做好准备.

1. Do Your Research

Before submitting your application, it is important to research all that DU has to offer, including degree programs, student life opportunities, resources, housing options, and more. 这不仅有助于确认你将享受未来四年的本科经历, 但它也确保杜能支持你实现你的长期个人和职业目标. 

We encourage all prospective undergraduate students to explore our bachelor’s programs, visit DU’s campus in person or take a virtual tour, attend an information session, or meet with an admission counselor. The more you engage with our institution and community, the more certain you can be that DU is the right place for you.

2. Review Admission Standards

在确定ca88登录正确网址符合你的学术需求并选择你所选择的学位课程之后, be sure to review our admission criteria. 这一重要步骤确保您以前的经验符合我们的标准. 

这取决于你是大一学生还是转学学生, you'll have different standards to follow:


3. Prepare Application and Supplemental Documents

DU is one of hundreds of colleges and universities in the U.S. and internationally that use the Common Application. 通用App简化申请流程,节省您的时间和精力.


  • Official high school transcripts and/or official college transcripts
  • Application essay (included in the Common App)
  • Additional letters of recommendation (optional)
  • Official ACT or SAT scores (optional)

Please read more about each of these supplemental materials on our Application Checklist page.

此外,根据你的学位课程,你可能需要提供其他补充材料. As you prepare your application, 我们鼓励你与你的学术部门核实,以确保你有所有必要的文件. 

4. Choose a Deadline and Submit Your Application

We have two important application deadlines for first-year applicants:

  • Nov. 1 for Early Decision I and Early Action
  • Jan. 15 for Early Decision II and Regular Decision

What's the difference between the deadline options?

  • Early Action and Regular Decision are non-binding applications.
  • Early Decision 如果你被录取,你和学校之间是否有约束力的协议.
  • 在早期录取阶段被录取的学生可以额外获得5美元,000 merit aid award, 学习成绩最好的学生将得到充分满足他们的经济需求. Early Decision applicants enjoy stronger consideration for admission, and benefit from earlier admission and financial aid notifications.
    • 接受体育援助的运动员和音乐专业的学生都可以申请提前决定,但没有资格获得经济奖励. 国际学生有资格获得额外的奖学金,但不能获得基于需求的奖学金.
    • You can only apply Early Decision to one school, and if you're accepted to DU via Early Decision, you must withdraw your applications from other institutions. 只有当你承诺加入我们的社区并在ca88登录正确网址注册时,你才应该申请提前决定.

Please note that transfer applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.
无论哪个截止日期最适合你,你都将通过通用应用程序申请. 在审查你的申请是否有任何错误,并仔细检查你是否正确提交了所有必需的文件之后, 你可以提交你的通用应用程序,并支付65美元的不可退还申请费.

First-Year Applicants

students gathered outside during a campus tour

Start your college journey at the University of Denver. First-year applicants find our admission process straightforward, 让他们有更多的时间来规划他们的学位和未来. 

Start planning your application process by reviewing DU’s admission standards for first-year applicants and the first-year application checklist

First-Year Applicant Common App

Transfer Applicants

students studying together in library

Finish strong at DU. 我们致力于帮助数百名转学生获得学士学位,并继续对他们的社区产生重大影响. 

Before embarking on the application process, please review the admission standards for transfer applicants and the complete transfer application checklist. 完成所有步骤后,提交申请并等待录取决定. 

Transfer Applicants Common App

International Applicants

a student studying outside on a rock bench

DU warmly welcomes international applicants into our growing student community. 而国际录取过程涉及更多的资格要求和补充文件, we work hard to make the transition to studying in the U.S. easy. 

To begin your preparation, please review the international first-year applicant checklist or the international transfer applicant checklist.

Undocumented Applicants

a student talks with another student in the commons

yzcca88游戏登录网址努力使高等教育大众化和包容性. 如果你是一名无证或童年抵美暂缓遣返计划(DACA)的学生,并且想在杜克大学获得学位, 你的申请过程类似于国际学生的录取过程.

Learn more about the undocumented applicant checklist, financial aid options, and available student resources.

Non-Degree Applicants

a student working in a science lab

寻求新的学术或专业发展机会? DU鼓励个人参加课程,即使他们不是学生. 

Discover admission information for non-degree-seeking students.

Degree Completion Program

a male student after receiving diploma

Interested in completing your bachelor's degree? To help you finish your education, DU offers degree completion programs through our University College.

Through the program, 你可以将96个学分(64个学时学分)转到ca88登录正确网址的学士学位, 我们还增加了一个服务学习组件,使您能够发展并充分利用从课程中获得的技能. 我们的许多学士学位课程完全在夜间或在线提供,以获得最大的灵活性. 

Discover DU's Degree Completion Programs.
